Examples for Turtle Graphics

Examples of Turtle Graphics

Turtle graphics is certainly cute but you can do much more than just draw a happy flower. On these pages you will find a collection of programs, which explore the possibilities of what you can do with a turtle. These range from simple fractal geometry to interactive games and even 3D graphics.

All examples use nothing but turtle graphics and require no additional libraries. If you already have TigerJython, just copy the provided source code, paste it into TigerJython and click run!

The examples are usually stripped to the bare minimum so as to show the principles used to achieve the desired effects. This leaves you with a lot of room for your own ideas and enhancements. Feel free to take any of the programs and build your own out of it!

List of Examples

Fractal Tree

This is a very simple first example using recursion to draw a fractal tree/cauliflower.

Platform Game

Use the arrow keys in this simple platform (jump 'n' run) game to have Super Mario jump from platform to platform and reach his goal.

Canon Shooter Game

The objective in this game is to position your canon with the mouse so that it hits a given target.

3D graphics

This program uses the turtle to draw a 3D-model of a simple house. The house can be rotated around any axis in 3D using the mouse.

Logo Compiler

Logo is the programming language that came with the first Turtle Graphics by S. Pappert. The simple Logo compiler in this example is a homage to these beginnings and compiles a Logo program to Python code.